donderdag 31 januari 2013

Keith Haring bike

The assignment
We had to make a kind of Keith Haring bike with pop art or graffiti art. For colouring you could use colour pencils or felt tip pens.

What I did
I decided to use a lot of colour in my bike. I wanted it to look cheerful and that it would draw attention. In the wheels I drew the kind of figures Keith Haring always draws. I drew a black line around the whole bike which make the colours jump out.

My mark
I had an 8 for my work and I'm happy with that. I worked really hard on it and I wanted it to look nice. This mark shows that I did a pretty good job.


Listen to some classical music and paint your feelings, that's all we had to do. The paintings we made, we had to cut en tear and from the pieces we had to make a new painting with patterns on it, During the listening part we only had to put some stripes of paint on a piece of paper. I used in the beginning dark colour, but at the end I decided to use bright colours because I like those more. From my paintings I made two new patterns, one on soft music and one on dark, heavy music. The kind of music is shown in my pattern.

I had an eight for this work which is more than I expected. Some of parts of the patterns were loose, so I almost lost those. But the teacher liked it anyway.

Post stamps

We had to make four post stamps with a name of a country and a value. Those stamps had to be coloured with water paint. In the end we had to use ink for the most important lines.

I changed the assignment a bit. I wanted use some buildings from different countries. So I made stamps from a continent. I chose four of the most known buildings in Europe. As a background I used different colours, but the colours of the building were about the same.

I enjoyed working on the stamps, but I made some mistakes during painting and that had an influence on my mark. I got an eight and I'm glad with that.

Shoe design

The assignment
We had to make a sport shoe design on a large scale. In this design the shoe had to be drawn from different sides. For the colours we could use colour pencil or wax crayons.

My work
In the beginning I didn't have a good sketch and I didn't know what to do. Then I had a great idea. I wanted to make a hip hop shoe in red and white. In the background I drew some hip hop dancers to show that the shoes are hip hop shoes.

My mark
I had a 7.5 and I was a bit disappointed. I worked really hard for it and I thought it looked nice.
Unfortunately our teacher didn't agree with that.